You're Sweet. Sweet like an orange creame sugar bunny. I just made that up. Sugarbunny. I like that.

Mar 07, 2004 23:15

Get well soon, Davey! Gah, what would my life be like if he could never sing again? I mean, is he not thinking of me at all? WHEN is everyone gonna realize that it is ALL about me...all of it...

Yesterday, I got a new KATTY! He is a himalayan and he is purrty..hehe I don't know what to name him...H E L P !!!!!!!!

Then Kristi and I had some quality girl time. That kicked ass. We watched a chic flik and ate pizza and drank wine....and played with all my critters.

Today, Kyle and I and Travisimo went on a road trip. We ended up in Alabama at the Little River Canyon. I have never seen the falls so .....full?....of water? Its not usually that big but I guess with all the rain, it made them bigger. The spray coming off of them was beautiful. We took pictures. I still have yet to get my AFI pics soon as I get the money.....

well, I am off to find some of those sugarbunnies...they sound tastey...

afi, aminals

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