Please, provide the link to at least FOUR unstamped applications you have voted on!
(You may skip this if they has received a stamp already)
If you are re-applying, tell us what character you was stamped and why you are re-apllying:
Do you have preference on gender (female/male)? Male if you please
2.Any nicknames?Kôji,Sentouki-kun
3.Gender: not telling
4.Date of birth:07/13
5.Likes: reading,drawning,learn foreing languages,manganime,arts,yaoi,videogames,music,sleeping,chocolate,martial arts,military gear,mythology,computers,make amvs,play the piano,singing,goth,coffee,tea
6.Dislikes: traitors,stupid and useless people,loud noises,eat fish,moths and roaches,my brother,strange noises in the dark,fangirls,mary sues,whiners,being bothered,wake up early
7.Three positive points about you: Loyal,polite,serious
8.Three negative points about you: Apathetic,a bit sadistic,obsessive
9.Biggest fear: Die alone...oh and embolisms
10.Goal in life: Have a simple and happy life,with a good job and non economical problems
11.Other(s) notable(s) trait(s)? smart,indivudual,creative,calm and collected(sp?)
Your favorite quote, and why: mmmmm nothing comes to mind right now
(Give a short explanation)
12.Optimistic, Realistic or pessimistic? Realistic with a tendency for pessimism in some cases
13.Mature or Immature? Mauture most of the time,but I can be inmature if I feel like it
14.Brave or Safe? Depends.Im brave if something or someone threatens something or someone I care for....if not well,Im safe
15.Selfish or Altruistic? Selfish,althought Im altruistic sometimes
16.Violent or Peaceful? Mostly paceful but if someone bothers me very hard Im very violent
17.Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert
18.Leader Or Follower? Leader,but I switch to a follower depending of the moment and the company
19.Clean or Messy? Little messy,always with my room (too much books,so little space gah...)
20.Decisive or Indecisive? Depends of my mood in that moment
21.Color: Black and red
22.Food: Italian...nothing with fish
23.Animal: Felines and reptiles
24.How do you think your friends decribe you? Well,I've never asked my few friends what they think,but I suppose they would say Im obsessive,serious,creative and a little random if Im in the mood.
25.If you could live in any place of Earth, what would be? If I could choose it will be Japan,cause I love this country.
26.You like books? What type of books you like? I love books.I read almost everything except those sissy romantic novels
27.You have some type of fanatism? Mmm,depending of the theme ahead I can be really passionate
28.Do you think miracles exists? Yes,but they're not really common.
29.OUCH! You bump into a stranger in the hall, and hit them really hard. What do you do? I say "sorry",ask if he/she is okay and keep on walking.
30.OMGWTFBBQ! ALIEN ATTACK! What you will do? Depends.Are they violent??If they're not turning my house and belongings into ashes,why should I care about?
31.Someone left a wallet on the ground. What do you do? If it has an ID I'll bring it to the police,but if there's only cash I'll keep it.
32.What would you change about yourself, or your life? Mmmm for an instance not being alone and maybe have my own house..oh and a job
33.And about the World? Clean it from annoying people
34.Like to use the cellphone? Yeah,is pretty useful
35.When you’re in a group, what's your part in the group dynamic? Mmmm I tend to be the listener,or the advicer...I dont really like to be in groups
36.Which four items would you want to have with you on a desert island? Why? Water,a ship to get the hell out of there,a cellphone to call for help if the ship fails,someone for company and not going insane talking to myself
37.What do you think about love? Its a wonderful thing if you really understand it and find the perfect person...If not its a hollow thing
38.What left you in DESPAIR? D: A LOT of things,mainly my wifi connection and school (a totally waste of time)
39.Which character you think is most related with you? Why? I think of Jun Kudou cause he is calm and at the same time is obsessive compulsive with his hobby.Oh and I also love to read.
40.And wich you think is the least related? Why? I think of Kafuka...If I'd be that cheerful and optimistic I'll shoot myself
41.Is there some pairing you like? Why do you think they match? Kudou/Nozomu...a pessimistic and overdramatic sensei with a calm obsessive compulsive student?Totally fits,they complete each other in my opinion*ducks to dodge hard objects coming this way*
42.If you could hang out with some character from the series, who would be? Why? Absolutely with Nozomu cause he's so funny,also with Kei sama for talking about his art,with Kudou for talk about books and read some yaoi with Harumi.
43.What you like in the anime/manga Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? The black humour,the characters and the themes,even if they seem random,in deep a lot of things they say are true.
-Anything else? Im spanish,so forgive me for my english