Jun 17, 2009 21:08
No. 1 - I had a bowl of strawberries so large from my garden that I couldn't eat them all last night. And that was after taking the manky ones that the slugs and woodlice had had a pop at out to freeze pending some jam making. Happy me. Fortunately I have both the kids and my parents to help me eat the ones I will pick all this weekend.
No. 2 - Was it just me who ended up swearing at the telly at the sight of Martin McGuinness doing his 'politician with gravitas' act and decrying the racist threats to the Romanian workers in Northern Ireland? He spent a large part of his adult life participating in terrorism done up on nationalistic grounds and now keeps a straight face whilst kicking the next generation for behaving like he did (actually behaving better so far, this lot only made threats, they haven't killed anyone yet). Grrr...