Jul 18, 2010 12:22
Just in the past day or two I've been seeing many links on my facebook news feed along the lines of "it's amazing the amount of damage religious parents can do to a child." Some of them even attempting to call such parents terrorists.
Is everyone just that fucking stupid?
I can tolerate people hating religion, and I can tolerate the fact that many people don't see the world the way I do. But I can't believe this thought seed is being planted in the hearts of the public.
What is so wrong with teaching your child to *love* one another, to not live for revenge, to help those who need it? Are we really terrorists for that? What makes it so criminal to tell our child they have a Creator who loves them? And that they have a purpose and calling in life? That even though they make mistakes, there is unconditional love and mercy out there? Why is it detrimental to tell a child that someone loves them?
Truly, I find far more accuracy in the generalization "it's amazing the amount of damage parents can do to a child." Every parent will make mistakes and hurt their child. Throwing out God doesn't make you faultless, it just throws the accountability out of your faults.