(no subject)

Nov 20, 2007 05:16

characters: Jonathan Levinson and Andrew Wells.
rating: we'll just go with PG at best!
summary: a little something we like to call SzechuanGate. Andrew and Jonathan go for Chinese, a certain someone doesn't show, general merriment occurs. except, not. [incomplete~]

Jonathan feels vaguely ill whenever he thinks about all the time he spent not doing anything in Sunnydale. He used to spend days unable to get out of his own head long enough to go to school, but after the past two weeks, he's had enough of lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. Friends made it slightly better, Warren with his Lord of the Rings, Andrew with his cooking and constant chatter. But he can walk again. For now, he actually wants to get out and do things, and he savors the feeling.

He had tested out his legs that morning on a walk to the high school. It seemed fitting, considering that's the last non-Babylon place he remembers. It's smaller than Sunnydale High, hopefully less Hellmouthy. Still, there's that beautifully familiar air of teenage nostalgia about it, and his stomach only started to hurt when he was nearly home again. Chalk it up to his first tiny victory.

He knows he should be job hunting, or doing anything constructive with his time, but Jonathan wants to celebrate first. Clothes are still a little difficult, especially without money, but Andrew had brought him a scarf (from where?) and so he throws that on before leaving his apartment. The air is just a little crisper than he's used to.

It's not a long walk to Andrew's building, and he almost wishes it was longer. Jonathan keeps his eyes open for Buffy, for anyone he might recognize, but he's so delirious with the joy of walking that he gets lost in his own head. Which, not unusual for him. Not unusual for any of them, really. His breath catches at the thought. They're all going to be together again. Delirious joy turns into something cold in his throat, and he sinks back against the far wall of the elevator. Andrew's words play on an insanity-inducing loop in the back of his mind, this isn't like last time, we won't screw up, you're supposed to be here, this isn't like last time. At least he'll see Andrew first, at least they'll face Warren together. Or is that bad? Will it upset Warren?

Jonathan puts an abrupt stop to his thoughts when he knocks on Andrew's door and bounces on his heels. The first thing he'll do is give his best friend a proper hug, now that it doesn't make his stomach want to fold in on itself.

andrew wells, jonathan levinson

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