Well, I've managed to crawl back to the livejournal website after quite some time. It's time for an update. I waited too long to write my thoughts down from last night, so hopefully they come out right at this time. It seems to me that no matter how much effort you put into things you'll never get the full one hundred percent of what you want out
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Wow. I feel so horrible. I haven't been seeing with both eyes lately. It seems I've been too caught up in what's bothering me in the present that I don't even think of the good I have on the outside. I hate that we've kept this distance. I really do. I know none of it was done intentionally. Here I am bitching about other people having their own priorities and never having enough time when I need it the most, yet I'm doing the same exact thing. I do have a reason to wake up every morning. The reason is still you. It amazes me how long you've stuck by my side. Just recently, more and more every day I come across little things that remind me of you. It's ironic, really. Tomorrow is another day. I come across that phrase in lyrics mostly, of course. You'd think that's where I found it, but it's not. YOUR GETTING ALL THE NOBODIES TO MEAN EVERYTHING TO YOU WHEN THE EVERYTHINGS ARE DYING FOR YOUR ATTENTION. I never thought about it that way, but lately that's the way it seems. I pushed myself away from the people that gave me equal attention, and let myself drift away to the ones that could care less and just need someone to lean back on as some sort of crutch. You never cease to read in between the lines and show me the reality of what this all really means. THANK YOU ANG. We need to take that drive soon. Love you.
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