Oh, Oh! Here we go!

Sep 29, 2004 16:46

Okay. I don't feel like doing this. But I know better than to mess with women. Uh, I...did nothing today. Except moon my neighbor. It wasn't intended. But she was cool about it. She told my mom that I "oughta say no to crack"... End scene!

I watched Benny & Joon this afternoon (that rhymes). Great movie. Amazing portrayal of a crazy person: insane, but still literate. Hah. Complete sentences suck.

My brother keeps kicking me.

My mom is bitching because I haven't eaten anything today.

I have lots of homework.

No orgies for you, you nipple pierced freaky-freak.

Enough fun for lottie. I must go. Get weighed to see how fat i've gotten. Fun stough.
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