First Entry

Sep 13, 2005 15:58

This is the journal for my Mage: The Awakening character for the Camarilla's sanctioned chronicle. He's a Mastigos Guardian of the Veil, and a horrible, vicious, monstrous person. He believes in victory over the Exarchs at all costs, and the reestablishment of the enlightened reign of Atlantis, by any means necessary. As a rule, he doesn't see Sleepers as being fully human, and regards the Free Council as something of a bad joke. Right now, I'm leaning toward a Shadow Name of Abaddon (a place or state of ruin and desolation, as well as the fallen angel responsible for such.)

I'm looking for local mages for his cabal, the Desolate Oath. (Info on where that name comes from available upon request.) I'd like it to be a five member, primarily Guardian of the Veil cabal, with maybe one or two Adamantine Arrow. Just to be clear: these are the bad guys. They're the ones who leave the butchered remains of Seers of the Throne and Scelesti in neat little piles for their friends to find. They terrify Sleepers into shunning the mysterious corners of the world, and disappear the ones who remain resolute. Terror, madness and the threat of agonizing death are their weapons. I want the Desolate Oath to be the cabal that other mages cringe to see, the necessary evil that keeps the Awakened safe, whether they like it or not.

Now, I recognize that I'm really jumping the gun on this one and that things may have to change as the launch of the Mage chronicle approaches, so I'd ask that people be willing to be flexible on anything that gets discussed here, and I'll do the same.
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