Jul 15, 2005 21:34
I went to the doctor's appointment for my child yesterday.
I got to hear my child's heartbeat for the first time.
I thought that there could be nothing better than what I felt when I heard that.
Well.......I was wrong.
We had the ultrasound today.
And, seeing my child on that screen was about 5 notches above hearing that heartbeat.
Because not only did I get the first look at my child, I saw it's heartbeat.
And, we found out the sex of the child.
Liz and I are going to have a beautiful daughter.
I know she'll be beautiful, just like her mother.
At least, I hope she looks like her mother.
God, knows I don't want her looking like me.....lol.
That was a joke guys.....you know....hah hah....funny.
Well, from the looks of it, the due date isn't gonna be Oct. 30th like we thought before.....
According to the nurse earlier, it's roughly around Nov. 3rd.
Either way....it's gonna be a scorpio.
And, that's probably the only thing about having a daughter that scares me. .....so far.
Jac and Chewie both said, when she becomes a teenager I'm gonna have to start carrying around a shotgun when she brings a date home.
Just to be safe.
Something tells me they're right......haha.
I have one of the ultrasound pictures of my daughter's face.
Liz has the other picture of her full body.
Kinda shitty....I was hoping to show my mother her granddaughter's first picture.
But, I'm sure I'll have the opportunity sometime....probably at the baby shower.
I'm hoping my Dad will talk to me sometime soon.
He's still pretty pissed about the house.
Which I didn't have much to do with.
Hopefully, he'll understand.....but, knowing my father....he won't.
He'll just be himself, bullheaded, ignorant.
Just like me.
At least I know where I get it from.
I wanna go home.
To MC.....to my house....to MY OWN HOUSE.
But, I'm pretty much screwed on that.
For now anyways.
I find myself listening to Garth Brooks again, lately.
What's wrong with me, you ask?
Not sure.
Ever heard 'The Dance'?
It's a good song.
Ever heard 'She's Gonna Make It'?
That's a good one, too.
But that's a completely different story.
But, the baby's healthy.
I'm starting to work on my wrestling better, and a new job.
Liz seems to be doing ok...at least, that's how it seems...I hope she's ok.
She yelled at me for worrying about her when we broke up.
But, I can't help it.
It's just me.....how I am.
I don't know.....I guess I'm just being too hopeful......as usual.
Maybe, someday, we'll reconcile.....I can only hope.
Either way, she'll make it without me.
(Singing Garth Brooks)
'She's gonna make it....
And He never will...
He's at the foot of the mountain...
And, she's over that hill...
He's sinkin'.......
Oh....sorry.....don't ask......for the love of god....don't ask.
Well, I'm outta here.
It's kinda late.
And, I got like 3 conversations goin on while I'm writing this.
So, all I have left to say is....