insane in the membrane..

Oct 01, 2007 14:09

so i feel like my sister. checking up on his myspace every 5 min.

ok, i don't do it every five minutes but before i go to bed at night and once during the day.

its just driving me nuts.

i'm like, leave me a comment damnit!

i think that now is the time to temporarily drop everything and stop.

i did this a few weeks ago. i was feeling pretty good afterwards.

Its like i'm not over but im not really worried about whether or not he's into me.

but now more than ever. especially when he casually drops the 'L" word.

you cant just casually drop it like that.

i say that I heart people.

i mean, guys at work tell me they love me but its in that "you're awesome" kind of manner.

not literally love.

I just don't know what to do anymore.

do i say something?

Do i not say anything?
i don't know.

i don't want to ruin a friendship with crappy feelings.
i hate feeling.

i wish i was void of all emotion.
like daria.

in place of emotion, i have sarcasm and big words.

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