Apr 28, 2009 18:57
Greg gets so damn freaked out when the CDC is in town. Ever since this whole pig flu thing started in NYC, he's been staying in the hotel almost all the time. It's almost like he's scared someone will find out that he's responsible or something. But that's not possible; he couldn't just infect someone with one thing. I mean, I'm sure he's got pig flu in him along with every other disgusting disease, but if someone were to be infected by his blood, pig flu would be the least of their worries. Actually, they'd probably be dead real fast, along with anyone they came into contact with.
And see, now he's even more paranoid about Angelo spreading stuff around. He wants Angelo here, but like hell that would happen. That bastard would never agree to come here, and he'd never fit in either - hell, I barely fit in. Whatever; if it's ever found out that Angelo's infecting people with anything then that'll give me all the more reason to rip his throat out for making Greg miserable.
Eh. I wish Greg would find a cure for what he has. I see that whatever process the plants do to his blood is able to get rid of the disease, but I don't really see yet how he can use that to fix what he has. It's not like he can exactly use the plants how they are now to fix his own blood - that'd just make his blood into lacrima, and I'm pretty sure you can't live with drugs for blood. He has to... I don't know... find out just what in the plants purifies that blood, and isolate that from everything else that turns the blood into lacrima. Fuck, I don't know about all the botany stuff. I just... want him fixed. I can't touch him; it's been years since I touched anyone so I have no clue what to do with Luca. Don't know what the lines are anymore. It's frustrating.