So, I woke up this morning and was greeted by a sight in the bathroom mirror that looked a little something like this...
Well... OK, it didn't really look that bad. Be that as it may, I did indeed wake up today with...
PINK-EYE (dun, dun, DUNNNNNN!!!!)
I just got done giving myself the second dose of hot washrag compress and eye drops... what a pain in the ass. I have to do that every two hours.
I called off work because the last time someone came in with pink-eye, they were sent home early. My boss has this goofy thing about eyes too, so she already OK'ed it. It's weird, though, how everyone flips out about pink-eye, but they don't get nearly so bent out of shape about a cold or flu, even though they can totally kick your ass, while pink-eye just gives you blurry vision and make your eye feel like you haven't slept for 36 hours. Go figure...
I feel like I should be walking down the street yelling, "UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!"
Anywho, I'm hungry, so I'm going to go chow down. Later...
"I spy with my little eye spy with my little I spy with my little eye spy with my little I spy... spy... spy"