Welcome ^^!
I'm Cookie and as you can probably guess, I'm a MASSIVE Arashi fan
Some basics:
19, female, Australian
Occupation: fangirl I wish.
Ichiban: Mr. failboat, Sakurai!
OTP: Sakuraiba. Though it will always be the OT5 for me
If I've added you as a friend, please don't mind, it's most likely because I thought we could fangirl (or boy!) away together at the epicness that is Arashi, Arashi...OH YEAH ~
Likewise, if you like what you see here, then feel free to add me as a friend- I promise I don't bite and I'd love to meet more Arashi (or any other Johnny's group, really) fans out there!
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )
...Or if you don't want to do that, than just enjoy looking around :)
This journal won't have too much on my personal life because I don't have one but it may come up now and then. Or if you'd like to know more about me, then just comment and thou shalt receive!
Arashi: Slowly draining my hard drive space and blood supplies