Jan 12, 2006 16:01
i'm so tired of the same shit over and over again
energy where are you when i need you?!
post any memory that you have of me
even if it's a tiny memory and we dont even talk anymore
i want to know if you remember anything that has to do with me
if your reading this you should do it
i know you're not so you should change your mind
when i looked at you
or when i fucked u in the ass
orr whatever
so here i am
i dont think me n gino are getting together today
i have a feeling
but it's all good i guess not really but whatcha gunna do?
i need a car so bad it sucks
it sucks having to beg people for rides after school and everywhere
it doesnt feel right anymore asking my parents for rides places
makes me feel like a bum
i guess i'll go do something productive like my homework or soemthing
nice chatting with you
have a lovely day