[08:17] Witch: Here's your girl. *chuckle*
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/ravencrest/Quixotica/advanced[08:18] MinorMagicProd: Hello. Baby.
[08:18] *** Auto-response sent to MinorMagicProd: In Azeroth and beyond:
battletag: synn#1524
channel: Dragoness
couldn't be easier to find me now.
[08:18] Witch: you have issues *snicker*
[08:18] MinorMagicProd: ~chuckle~ Yes. Yes I do.
[08:18] Witch: *cheek smooch*
[08:19] Witch: only rolling restarts today
[08:19] MinorMagicProd: Just restarts today.
[08:19] Witch: ha!
[08:19] MinorMagicProd: ha!
[08:19] Witch: get out of my head!
[08:20] MinorMagicProd: Why? It's comfy in here! ~stretches out and makes himself comfortable~ Uhhh... wait. Why do you have naked posters of me?
[08:21] Witch: *snort* You brought your fantasy world with you for company I see
[08:21] MinorMagicProd: Hey, we're in YOUR head. Mine is full of naked space goats, succubi and other assorted perversions.
[08:24] Witch: Darkness, if I -had- naked pictures hung in there...trust me, I adore you, but they wouldn't be of -you-! But picutres collect dust and I hate dusting.
[08:25] MinorMagicProd: ~Laughs~ Fair enough. So, how are you?