[08:18] Witch: read the text when you get a chance *smile*
http://sanguinemdraconis.net/homepages/The_Cauldron/WoWScrnShot_052112_111330.jpg[08:19] Hero: *snort!* <3
[08:19] *** Auto-response sent to Hero: the image issue on Sanguinem Draconis has finally been corrected. Mark tracked it down and beat it to death with his tech hammer. All systems are go!
[08:19] Hero: *kisses your nose* <3
[08:20] Witch: he spent the next 20 minutes apologizing. But I had to show you that part. *chuckle*
[08:20] Hero: That made my day <3
[08:20] Witch: it did?
[08:20] Hero: Mhm *nuzzles*
[08:20] Hero: Because yo uadore me, silly
[08:20] Hero: *you adore
[08:21] Witch: You know it's true
[08:21] Hero: I do <3
[08:21] Witch: I'm cheating on him? *rolls eyes* he wishes
[08:21] Hero: *chuckles*
[08:23] Witch: He used to "normal" women I guess. The kind that are impressed by that kind of bullcrap
[08:23] Hero: He'll have to raise the bar
[08:23] Hero: Substantially
[08:23] Witch: awwww, Hero *kisses his cheek*
[08:23] Hero: *smiles* He will <3
[08:24] Witch: I know, I'm a bit...difficult
[08:24] Hero: Nothing worth having comes easily
[08:24] Witch: Now -you- made -my- day.
[08:24] Hero: *grins* Turnabout is fair play, hm? <3
[08:25] Witch: see, this is -why- I adore you. Or one of the many reasons
[08:25] Hero: Aww <333
[08:25] Witch: he wants to know who you are. *grin*
[08:26] Witch: oh, had the best AV evah the other day. We called Lokholar
[08:26] Hero: Oh?
[08:26] Hero: *laugh* He wants to know who I am?
[08:26] Witch: you know who he is?
[08:26] Hero: Nope
[08:26] Witch: Yes, yes he does
[08:27] Witch: You know, because I -adore- you. And he's been trying to get me to adore him for a couple months. *grin*
[08:27] Witch:
http://sanguinemdraconis.net/homepages/The_Cauldron/WoWScrnShot_052012_144543.jpg[08:27] Witch: Lokholar
[08:27] Hero: *grins and kisses hard*
[08:27] Hero: Oh wow, that's... ...big
[08:27] Witch: He can be called by the Horde if they turn in 200 alliance blood vials
[08:28] Witch: then...when you (and he) start killing ally he gets bigger and stronger
[08:28] Witch: he is a boss
[08:28] Hero: Oh wow
[08:28] Witch: ally has one too but I've never seen him called; though I was in AV a LOT allyside
[08:29] Witch: so, he gets bigger and stronger as ally are killed
[08:29] remotehari: Oogh... yeah
[08:29] Witch: we kited him all the way to vann
[08:29] Witch: what a blast!
[08:29] Hero: Wow!
[08:29] Hero: That's impressive!
[08:29] Witch: it was old school AV!
[08:29] Witch: oh yes, and you get 800 hp just for calling him
[08:55] Hero: Okay kitten - I gotta go for now <3 Have to do some prep work before these meetings start
[08:55] Witch: okay Hero...*cheek smooch*
[08:55] Hero: <3 *kisses your nose*
[08:55] Hero: Stay wonderful <3
[08:56] Witch: *smiles* keep right on making my day.