it is! I'm in such an odd mood (ask Stix). Anywho, we're here, coffee is on, Stix volunteered to bring the!
[10:12] MinorMagicProd: With all of those heirlooms? It's no wonder she's good at it.
[10:12] Witch: ain't all she's good at baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby *waggles brows*
[10:12] Witch: wtf? lol
[10:12] Witch: I'm in a weird mood
[10:12] MinorMagicProd: ~chuckles~
[10:13] MinorMagicProd: The question is wither or not I should exploit that...
[10:13] Witch: yeah, I can be exploited...Hi, my name is Donna, have we met?
[10:18] MinorMagicProd: ~eyes you...~ You going to make me break out the Spanish?
[10:36] Witch: it is a weakness of mine...-however- I am still me.
My little belf hunter's pets and their names (the dragonhawke will be Scarlet. I just haven't gotten around to naming her.) Monkeys are absolutely wonderful for pvp. Their ability Bad Manner blinds for a few seconds. Spiders are good, but casters can still cast even if they are "webbed". If they can't see you? Yeah. (I hauled my lvl 22 ass all the way to Darkshore for the Ghost Saber that I named Slyph. Not fun when you are a belf.)