[17:41] Thomas/Spike: There she is
[17:41] Witch: You lost me *weep*
[17:41] Thomas/Spike: I don't know what happened, my Digsby purged a bunch of people or something crazy
[17:41] Thomas/Spike: I'd never lose you if you'd just take me up on that offer to chain you to my bed
[17:41] Thomas/Spike: errr umm
[17:42] Witch: *nearly snorts water out her nose*
[17:42] Thomas/Spike: -g-
[17:43] Witch: ya made it into my IM diaries
[17:43] Thomas/Spike: yesss
[17:43] Thomas/Spike: just make sure to put me in as thomas ;)
[17:44] Thomas/Spike: to protect the innocent and such
[17:44] Witch: I did
[17:44] Witch: thomas/spike
[17:45] Thomas/Spike: But in all seriousness...that'd be the easiest way to keep up with you
[17:45] Thomas/Spike: unless we shrank you down ala Honey I shrunk the kids and I kept you in my pocket
[17:46] Witch: un huh, yeah, I'd do well in chains
[17:46] Thomas/Spike: Oh you would huh? I think you'd look quite fashionable in them
[17:47] Witch: You just wanna keep me all to yourself...selfish
[17:47] Thomas/Spike: Can you blame me?
[17:47] Witch: I don't know that I'm to one to answer that question
[17:47] Witch: errr, the one*
[17:48] Thomas/Spike: It's like if you find a good dish that you really enjoy and someone is like 'oh hey can I have a little'
[17:48] Thomas/Spike: and the nice thing to do would be to say "oh sure"
[17:48] Thomas/Spike: but I'm not nice
[17:48] Thomas/Spike: so I'd stab them with my fork and say "get your own"
[17:48] Witch: tsk. didn't anyone teach you that sharing is caring? *grin*
[17:49] Thomas/Spike: Oh...so you like to be shared?-g-
[17:49] Witch: *rolls eyes*
[17:50] Witch: I like it when I share myself...MY choice
[17:50] Witch: I don't think I'd be big on being passed around like a poo poo platter
[17:50] Thomas/Spike: Well good thing I don't like poo poo platters then -l-
[18:01] Witch: my hands are so cold
[18:02] Thomas/Spike: Put them to work...warm them up -l-
[18:02] Witch: I'm gonna cook shortly
[18:02] Thomas/Spike: yeah cooking would work
[18:02] Thomas/Spike: or you could give me a massage
[18:02] Thomas/Spike: rawr
[18:03] Witch: ha!
[18:03] Thomas/Spike: I'll not even ask for a happy ending
[18:03] Thomas/Spike: i mean..errr...-cough-
[18:04] Witch: You live in a dream world, don't you? *grin*
[18:04] Thomas/Spike: A dream world that revolves around you -grins-
[18:05] Thomas/Spike: Okay that's a lie...it revolves around me...but you're in it ;)