Me:oh but we haven't been rping that entire time. That 13.5 hrs was almost entirely rp.
Me:You wouldn't want to lie to your adoring public, now would you, David?
Reverend:I don't care. lol
Me:there's that smug again...*palm itches*
Reverend:I'm not a legend, just notorious. I don't have as big of a reputation to uphold. ~chuckle~
Jason:And you can't slap him for being who he is... I mean... notorious people have to be smug... right?
Me:Oh Lord...don't you start
Me:and what the hell do legends get to be?
Reverend:You started it. I just finished it. Hehehe.
Me:I walked right into that, I did. Thanks so much, Barney. *laugh*
Jason:Legends get to be whatever they want... they're the topseat...
Me:I'm the topseat? why doesn't someone give me this information when they start throwing titles around?