looking for a little serenity (the im diaries):

Mar 24, 2009 10:52

[10:40] MinorMagicProd: Mmmmm.... Inara.
[10:40] Madame Draconis: yup, our serenity room is making a comebak
[10:40] Madame Draconis: back*
[10:41] MinorMagicProd: I love the setting... wild-west meets sci-fi.
[10:42] Madame Draconis: yes, it appealed to me, oddly enough
[10:42] Madame Draconis: and I just loved her...attitude *grin*
[10:42] MinorMagicProd: I'm rather partial to Jane's character, then Sheperd Book, the Captain Mal.
[10:43] MinorMagicProd: Hmmm... Maybe one of those 'hands of blue' guys... hunting down River.
[10:44] Madame Draconis: Jane? *lesighswoonded*
[10:44] Madame Draconis: Jamison and I were twisting it a little...Inara and Jane were kinda interested in each other
[10:45] Madame Draconis: Mal is a bit too 'golden' for me

role play revisted, role play, im diaries

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