Dec 06, 2006 09:48
Ok,I have 10 minutes before leaving for dr day. Thus, yays/boos!
Yay! Granted an extension on incompletes
Boo! Getting extension involves lots of work. (I love how I can be too sick to finish schoolwork, but somehow am supposed to still feel good enough to meet with 6 different people, get and fill out lots and lots of forms, etc.)
Boo! Having to ask for an extension on incompletes. Very frustrated with myself. Very frustrated with my stupid body.
Yay! Sobbing about it for an hour last Saturday. I know that doesn't seem like a yay, but I haven't let myself cry like that in a long time, and it was good. Got it all out and now can focus on actually accomplishing what needs to be done.
Super yay! Brain seems to be working better!! I'm remembering what I'm reading and actually being able to write!!! Horray!!!!!!!!
Super Yay! Decorating for Christmas with the boy's family. It's decorating for Christmas which always makes Lissa happy and hyper. And it's meeting and spending time with his family. I like them. Had so much fun. Is wonderful.
Yay! Talking, giggling about boys, pretty dress shopping with April Monday afternoon.
Yay! Christmas shopping/hanging out with Kenny Monday night
Yay! Melia is moving to B-ham in January!!!!
Super-duper amazing yay! April is getting married! And she makes the most adorable soon-to-be-bride. And her happiness is infectious.
Yay! Chamber Singers Christmas concert. Christmas music. Dressing up. Seeing family. Plus, the boy rode up with me. Happiness.
Yay! Though today is going to be long, have a fun evening to look forward too.
Yay! I get to go home tomorrow. Christmas shopping with the rat. Plus, Saturday is gonna rock!
It's Christmas season; there's lots of happy music and excuses to sing; lots of baking yummy treats for people; lots of happy times with people I love; lots of presents to give; lots of amazing people in my life to spend time with. Life can't get much better right now, and this obviously puts Lissa into an even more crazy ecstatic state than usual. Excellent.
Yay! Meetings with profs today went much better than expected. Good.
Boo! Lissa lost weight again this week. Dr. Olson is very not happy. I don't think I've ever seen him so firm with his instructions to me. Basically, I CANNOT lose anymore before next week, so when you see me, please make me eat.
***EDIT II***
Yay! Yes, tonight was a wonderful evening.
making happiness,
losing weight,