Dec 02, 2006 03:56
So I go to sleep at 11, thinking, ‘alright! a Good night. Finally. Will sleep ALL NIGHT LONG. Excellent.’ WRONG. 3 am awake completely parched. Body screams ‘need water now.’ Ok. Will comply. Stand to make way to kitchen for liquid. WRONG AGAIN. Primal urge for hydration has over-ridden learned safety precaution of always checking pulse before attempting to exit the bed. Oops. Dehydration symptoms 2 & 3 now enter into play: extreme nausea and lightheadedness. Standing position is immediately converted to a voluntary prone in order to circumvent a baby-awakening thud and involuntary prone. Ok. Rehydration attempt, Take two. Stand SLOWLY. Successfully navigate distance to kitchen. Pour glass of water. Ugh. Still too nauseated to actually drink. Luckily, box of peppermint tea and electric kettle is still sitting on counter from earlier today. Excellent. Make very large mug of tummy-soothing tea. Thus we arrive at the present: nearly 4 am and I lay here sipping the tea in an attempt to rehydrate slow enough to trick tummy into keeping it all down. Bah. Lissa just wants one night of sleep. Just one.
late night,