Mar 28, 2006 22:44
Yay! Mommy and siblings are in town. Spent all afternoon with them. Got to spend lots of time talking to mommy about everything. Makes me happy
Double Yay! Had lunch with lil' rat. I miss him so much.
Yay! Needed to be a super hero today, so I wore the Batman shirt. Reminds me of 'lil rat and always makes me feel better. Was fun. Yay for looking like a little kid.
Yay! Mommy brought my pillow and blanket down. Will make bedtime much more better. The blanket always makes things better.
Yay! Talked to Luke. Love that boy. He is absolutely amazing and always makes me happy.
Yay! Started the film section of my Fiction and Film class. Getting graded for watching and discussing Film Noir and Alfred Hitchcock movies. I am in heaven.
Boo! Only managed to get 500 cal today. Not good.
Boo! Brain too fuzzy to understand homework. Spent two hours on one sentense in Livy. Greek made no sense at all.
Yay! Talked to all my profs today and all were so understanding. Have a plan in all classes as to how to catch-up or take incompletes if need-be.
Yay! Labs came back really good this week. That means despite being slightly calorie deficient, I've done a good job taking care to make certain I get the nutrients I need.
Blah: One of my meds is keeping me from sleeping. So despite being feeling tired from lack of calories, I'm alert and seem to be functioning. Not sure how long this is gonna work. Definitely pushing the body harder than I should at the moment. But I'd rather do it now while I feel up to it. Maybe I can get some work done before I crash again.
Yay! Spent time with friends, both new and old, this week. Thanks for putting up with me, y'all. I love you.
blood work,
yays and boos,