Icons, and our very first. . .
Bring on the challenge! Open to all icon makers!
Text Icons:
(No sub groups, recongnizable lyrics.)
Paris Hilton
Hilary Duff
Comment with exactly what you are taking, credit, and no hotlinking!!
DesireErised's first annual "I CHALLENGE YOU" competition! This challenge is extended to all icon makers, even if you are not a member of the community. It's here to challenge your skills and give you something to do in your spare time.
How It works:
I will provide you one, and ONLY one, picture to work with. You must take that picture, and make as many different variations of icons using only the given picture. You dont have to include any specific aspect in the picture unless stated otherwise and you do not have to have text or brushes. They can be simple bases or the most complex icons to your ability.
A few questions here and there. .
Q.Is there a max. of how many icons I can enter?
A.Nope! You may enter as many or as little as you like! All your choice
Q. Do I have to participate in every "I challenge you" competition?
A.Nope =)
Q. I just started making icons and i'm not that great, may I still enter?
A.Of course! We don't judge on how complex or amazing your icon on, We judge on creativity.
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If you'd like to participate, comment here with your username and the community or journal you will be posting your icons in. Also, If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to ask it here!
The Caps
You may use ONE picture from the movie "The notebook"
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Pimp this in your journals! We want a large crowd of people!!