Expected but still surprised

Aug 08, 2005 11:39

So, I took my host family out to dinner last night, to thank them for taking care of me. Most of the people who lived with host families didn't get along too well with them, but I really enjoyed my home stay. In fact, I can't imagine how one could really ever live in Japan without one, being that you nver really fit in anywhere else.

In the car though, going to pick up my host sister and dad, I asked my host mom about the new exchange student. She had told me a few days agin that my study abroad office at Obirin had called, and that they had several new female study abroad students who needed host families. I wanted to know which state the new girl was coming from. But when I asked, my host mom seemed very hesitant, and then said that they weren't going to do it. I got really worried that I had done something to change thier minds, maybe give study aborad students a bad name or something, but that wasn't the problem. Aparently, my host mom said that she wanted to do another host student, but Aya (my host sister) didn't. She said it wasn't that Aya didn't like me (which I know is true, because Aya is a really sweet energetic girl who I get along with very well), but Aya's friends. Keep in mind that she is a first year at middle school. Aparently, her friends were too scared to come over to her house while there was a foreigner living there. Makes sence, being that I only once saw any of her friends, and she looked terrified to see me. I think that perhaps Aya has been teased at school because she has a gaijin living with her. It made me really sad - and it was an expected but unexpected blow. I have known all along that I am stared at, and different, and all, but it didn't really occure to me that my host family would suffer any of the discrimination I did.

Now, I'm not saying that Japan is a horriable place, because it isn't. I have meet some really wonderful people here, and Japan is the place where completely random unknown people have showm immense kindness to me. Several times now people have approached me and sometimes friends to ask where we came from, and wish us luck on the recent NASA space mission and give condolences about the London bombing (when I was with Claire). Other times random old women will wish me a safe journey when I pass by them in the morning or welcome me home as I walk home at night from the train station. But then there are the times when I am stared at. It's really mixed, and all very Japanese. Many of you may not know, but Japan went into complete isolation for 200 years, shut thier ports and didn't let any foreigners in excpet for some few rare Dutch traders. This was before US Commander Perry came in and literally forced Japan open (with the threat of military ships), and made Japan enter the world. Since then, there has been of course mixed feelings. Japan wants to be apart of the global society, but wants to retain its own culture.

I am not upset at Aya's friends for being afraid of me - I mean most of them have never actually even spoken to a non Japanese or non Asian person before. It worries me a little, but then again Aya was fine with me, and I know she will share good memories and experiences, and help bring understanding to those, especially as they mature. My host mom says they will host another student, but probably when Aya reaches high school and her friends mature a little.

My host mom did comment to me today that she wanted a printout of one of the picture I took while I was here - one with me and my host great grandmother sitting together on the couch. She told me that that was the first time her grandmother had ever had a picture taken with an American. I thought that was kinda funny, because I didn't think of it in those terms. Then again, this is a 70 plus year old women, who lived through WW2 and the atomic bombings. I feel honored that she wants to put my picture up with the other pictures of her family.

Tomorrow morning I leave my host family and head for the airport. I have really enjoyed Japan, and I know that alot of new experiences await my return. My seinor year, graduation, life, everything. I am so glad I came to Japan, and especially that I stayed with a host family - but Japan didn't turn out to be what I expected. I have of course enjoyed it none the less, and if given the chance, I would study abroad again. To those who might be considering it - do it. You will come back a changed person, and learn alot of things about people, life, culture, and yourself.

Thank you everyone for reading my enteries, and see you all soon!
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