You Know I Never Subscribed to 'Yes Sir, No Sir'

Dec 19, 2006 12:33

I had a nightmare last night... like a nightmare that would be considered such by any normal person's standards. I was at home, only Kristen's room was in the basement and Kid's was off the living room. We wanted to go do something, apparently Kristen had a coffin that led somewhere and I was going to check it out with them, and my father decided to pitch a right old fit. I started arguing back, using every last sarcastic phrase of words I could. He got pissed, went up the stairs, and ordered me to follow. I informed him there was no way in hell I was going to unless he promised to not hit me this time, or at least let Kid and Kristen off (because they were being lippy too). A screaming match ensued, and then Grandma Joan gave me a push and said "Just go so that he'll shut up!" I couldn't believe she was giving me up like that... but I went. Second I was up there, he slapped me, hard enough so that I fell down. Then twice more, once for Kid and once for Kristen.

I woke up, went back to sleep, and had it again. Only this time he hit me and I fell down the stairs. What is it about stairs??

Munising is boring, but... at least I don't have nightmares about my mother doing that. Keith, maybe, but it's been years since he dared to so much as touch me. Even if I do permanently smell like dog.

I like my insomnia, can I have it back in full yet? Going to sleep before four seems to end in nightmares more often than not; probably why I try to avoid it.

E.T.A. - I have to go to the psychatrist on the 27th... *twitches*
For my year-later checkup, or some other bullshit like that.
Nonononononononono, I hate that man
I can picture it: "How're you, Katherine?"
"Is it time to be done yet?"
"I take it you don't want to be here."
"I don't like you."
"So why are you here?"
"My family is forcing me."
"You're an adult."
"You don't know my family, when I say they're forcing me, I mean it."
"Let's discuss that."
"No, I don't think so, not again."
And if he asks me if I've had any more problems, well...
Some of you know I've got two really big ones.
But I don't want to go there, it'll just make him all 'yay, problems!'

omgwtfbbq?, sleep is for the weak, so not amused, nightmare

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