Sky Fell Down and Pulled Us In

Dec 19, 2006 02:34

Amin irma a'n'ataya i'men amin talwi wania. Ri'amin corm ar'sinta. Nan'amin aa'il, il sina coiasira. Londi a'aru seere.

Translation: I desire to make different the way my feet went. Or my heart and mind. But I may not, not this time. Need to be patient.
Irma en'falmarin = desire of nymph ^-^

Doesn't it just flow so much sweeter in Elvish? I wish I still had reason to speak it aloud now and again, it sounds so beautiful, even in my voice.
Got six hours of sleep because I stayed up so late writing something...
Still not 100% sure on how that went over, only that it wasn't a complete disaster.
Which is good in many extreme ways..
Lots of things were spilled out, like... laid bare.
Going back to my journal, now.
And making up CDs for various, special peoples (shhh, it's a secret... kinda)
Trying to find a way to *not* smell like a dog... my perfume is a waste, so are my body sprays
Dog is not an attractive scent.

I'm also having stomach pains, like cramps.
Only... my period ended a week ago.
What the fuck? o.o

((E.T.A. - what's up with not writing in full paragraphs? For these last few entries it'd be too messy and drug out. Short and quick is better.))

night-time, elvish

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