(no subject)

Nov 25, 2006 22:11


So, I'm bored and watching some show on the Discovery Channel. Just for the hell of it, and because I have an innate curiousity, I decide to go to this extinct animal site I know and see if any more species have come off of the list because they've been rediscovered. It's happened before, and is likely to happen again. Such as with the black rhino, but I'm not going into that, because it makes me want to scream even more. This post has a primary purpose.

Cylindraspis vosmaeri a.k.a. the Saddle-backed Rodrigues Giant Tortoise. This tortoise was not extinct the last I know, and I... grrr, just grrr. It pisses me off so much that species are still being delcared extinct, that animals are dying off like this when we know what we're doing!!! Here's exhibit A as to why my first minor is dealing with the environment. Environmenal law, or conservation, or something!

I'm going to be a good lawyer or politican one day, and when I am, I'll have money. And when I have that money a lot of it is going to go to charities to help animals, plant species, and anything else that is about to die off and does not deserve to by any means. Hell, I'd rather set technology back twenty or so years if it meant stopping all of this.

And no, I'm not just realizing this is happening, I just don't talk about it with anyone because it's one those subjects that manages to piss me off beyond all belief and I get way too passionate about it.

this is why i hate humanity, rant, what just happened?

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