People talking... cars... dogs... my head splitting

Jul 25, 2008 10:37

My fourth entry for brigits_flame when the prompt was "Tears of the Gods". I'm pretty impressed overall, because I am so beyond hung-over right now... at least I'm in better shape than whoever was passed out in the hammock when I left. Perhaps that's why this entry has a theme centered around alcohol... I caught an itty bitty fish this morning! Then I came back here about half an hour ago and pounded this story out. I'd go to bed, but there's an Estelle Getty marathon on at noon and I don't think I'd get back out of bed for it. So awake I stay! Now where'd I leave the aspirin...

Take a Sip

Cecelia recoiled, rubbing at her nose as she shoved away the cup that had been set in front of her. "Gods, that burns!" she cursed, tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. "You want me to drink that? It'll kill me!"

"No it won't," Kayla said with a laugh, taking a long swig out of the bottle. "It'll just fuck you up. Fast." When she went to set the bottle back down it wobbled dangerously. "See? You said that's what you wanted so that's what you get."

"I don't think there's any hair left in my nose," Cecelia complained, picking the cup up carefully.

"That's a good thing. Girls look funny with nose hair."

Cecelia took a tiny swallow from the cup, only just keeping herself from gagging and spitting it back out. "It tastes horrible."

Kayla rolled her eyes and took another swig. "You should be grateful I'm letting you have any with your record."

"I haven't drank all year!" The second swallow went down much easier. Maybe the first seared all my tastebuds off...

"That's 'cause last time you went running out in the snow without changing out of your pajamas."

Flushing - there were some embarrassing stories still circulating about that - Cecelia looked at her half-empty cup. That familiar sensation of warmth was flowing through her veins and before long she knew that she would feel like she was surrounded by clouds. Surprisingly Kayla's eyes looked completely clear, and she had drank twice the amount! "What is this anyhow?" Cecelia was pleased to note that she didn't slur her words at all. Maybe a year of no alcohol hadn't left her intolerant.

"Ahhhh..." Kayla fiddled with the bottle, which Cecelia now noticed had no label. "About that-"

"It's imported, isn't it?"




"Whore." It was said fondly, whatever the alcohol was it was working well and all of Cecelia's worries were washing away. "Tell me what it is."

Kayla looked abashed. "You'll laugh."

"No I won't - tell me!"

"Tears of the Gods," Kayla muttered. "Got it from Jamie who said it came from somewhere in the Orient, complete with a story."

"It's not really called that... what kind of name is that?"

Kayla glared at her, blue eyes finally a little bloodshot. "The story Jamie told me was about what they made the first drink from... tears fallen from the eyes of their mother goddess, shed when her mortal son was killed during battle. The warriors who had buried her son gathered the tears and drank them. The next morning they were found spread around their campsite and they didn't recover from the hangover for days."

Cecelia blinked. "That's not a very good story."

"Don't blame me, I've had ten swallows to your two and can't remember it. Jamie tells it better."

"Then I'll have him tell me tomorrow. Or the day after." Cecelia drained her cup and jiggled her cup at Kayla. "Come on, fill me up. The world's not spinning yet."

Kayla grinned as she poured the amber liquid into Cecelia's cup. "Let's put it on a merry-go-round then!"

brigits flame, my body is trying to die, writing

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