We'll Just Have A Lot of Bake Sales

Feb 12, 2008 19:41

Since it's Darwin Day, I made seven evolution-related icons (EX:
) at this post so if you believe in evolution, you should check them out. Or if you like hockey icons, 'cause I made another bunch of those.

I rediscovered one of my Gameboy games - Donkey Kong Land III, which is the Gameboy version of Donkey Kong Country III. It's not quite as cool as the SNES version, but I do enjoy it, and it kept me busy during my breaks of work... and after/before my only class of the day. I'll probably play it more tonight.

Red Wings play tonight. Three game losing streak... let's see if they can break it against Ellis and the Nashville Predators.

event: holiday, game, & then - oh shiny!, graphics, goddess i'm such a geek, icons

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