Here We Go Again

Feb 11, 2008 13:55

Alarm System,

STOP FUCKING UP AND GOING OFF FOR TWELVE SECOND INTERVALS AND CAUSING A MASS OF DISORGANIZED RESIDENTS! Do the alarms really need to be that loud? Do those lights really need to flash? You're going to induce a seizure or, in my case, the onset of a headache that has so far been successfully staved off.

If this is purposeful on the part of Aaron or anyone else attempting to make sure the system works, let me help you out: IT WORKED THE FIRST TIME! More than one fire alarm in ten minutes is going to cause a mass uprising of students, I'm telling you. And make us ignore them so that the fourth one is probably real and we all die...

Now I'm going back to my writing mixed in with WWII studying... try not to kill our eardrums anymore today. I'm out of painkillers.

Screw You,

this is why i hate humanity, rant, could your iq go any lower?, letters, place: nmu, what just happened?

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