Room Beneath My Bed

Jan 16, 2008 18:32

Now that the third day of winter semester 2008 is winding to a close, I think that I'm mostly settled back in. My room looks a lot nicer than it did last semester - less one-sided with the happiness and more spread out. There is also a blue hammock dangling under my loft, which is very nice to sit in, that adds a certain touch that wasn't here before. Plus I got to switch where the dresser was with my wire bookshelves, so that it looks a lot less crowded over by the desks. I just need another vertical, nature-based poster to complete the strange pattern I have going. Happy Bunny is nice and all, but it just doesn't fit on that wall.

American Government is interesting. Professor Carlson is the sort of the professor who seems to forget what he's supposed to be talking about, and ends up on a completely different subject by the time he stops than he was on when he started. For an example of how the students take this, take Lee's question to me as we left the class: "Did we learn anything today?" I learned an interesting little tidbit about the person who succeeded at failing the most at running for President of the United States - Mr. William Jennings Brian from Nebraska, who ran and lost an impressive four times. He was also the one to completely redo the face of political campaigning to what it is today. Not the smear campaigns (those came later), but with going around state-to-state and giving his speeches. Previous to Carlson's lecture, I had not known that before Brian all presidential candidates did was sit on their rumps and see visitors while those in charge of the campaign did everything. Interesting, but I'm pretty sure we were supposed to talk about the primary process... and we only spent ten minutes tops on that in one-hundred and ten minutes. Luckily for me, I don't think the class will be a challenge with all of the political science classes I've already been in. I'm really only taking it because it counts towards my major still and a general requirement. And we may have had to write a paper already, but it was easy, just on our opinion on the definition of politics.

Carlson happens to also be the professor teaching my Public Administration class.This class has a bit of an intimidation factor if only because I'm going to have to give an oral presentation on a non-profit organization, local, of my choosing. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to go with the Beacon House. It's a local women's shelter, not too far from the college, and Playground has donated a ton of stuff to them in the past, so I won't be totally new to it. I'll talk more about that when I actually know what it is I have to do. Big plus to this class? No book required! Carlson is also a genius who prefers papers emailed to him, not printed out and submitted. He may drone on and go off topic, but those two facts boost him up in my list of professors who don't suck. Another bad part of the class, however, is that it would appear that we have one of those know-it-all girls who sits in the back and pipes in every so often with her opinion, but no question. Just stating what she thinks so that the entire class knows, even though there's no point to it, because we were having lecture, not discussion. I really dislike people who do that, especially when it irritates the professor visibly.

My World War II books look interesting, and I plan on getting into them by Friday, but I have no clue about the class since I won't have my first one until nine o'clock sharp on Saturday morning. Yeah, I'm insane, you didn't know that already?

Hockey game last night was awful, to put it kindly. End score of 5-1 and that burned, because I have never witnessed a game where the Red Wings did that bad. Osgood even got pulled out of the net and switched with Hasek in the second period! I'm really hoping that they'll pull their game back together soon, after losing the past three games, and surge back up like the Red Wings I know and love. Seeing them skate poorly and not complete passes is just plain painful. Every team has its slump, I know, but I would've sworn I was watching the Wildcats skate >.>

Have I mentioned that I have the most wonderful girlfriend in the history of ever? ^-^;

And geez, I need to get snapping on my NaNoWriYe! Only have about three thousand words right now... I don't think that I'm supposed to be that low right now.

sports: hockey, paper, classes are the devil, people, relationships, could your iq go any lower?, books, homework, place: nmu, life

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