Jun 06, 2005 22:07

It feels almost surreal to think of the fact that I am now an offical graduate of Swan Valley High School. That I have made it through thirteen years of public education and am now finished with the first portion of it. There's always college but for right now I just want to focus on the fact that I am a graduate of 2005. I AM A GRADUATE!!! Nope, I'm not going to get over that anytime soon nor will it be any easier to say. It was like when I first turned eighteen, I always wanted to say that I was seventeen. Took me over a month to get used to it and I think that this time it'll take me even longer because it is such a bigger step.

Walking was the hardest part, and at several points Jenna very nearly had to reach over and catch me before I fell and made a right fool of myself in front of all those people. Heh, she had to fix my cap too, because grandma hadn't gone it right after all and it kept trying to fly away with the wind.

Sure I feel happy, thrilled really, that high school is over. But I feel a little sad too. I mean, how could I not? I'm no longer a student at Swan Valley, I won't see the same faces everyday anymore. Sure there will be work but that's different. I'm going to miss all of my friends. Almost none of them are staying around here, I might not even. I don't know where I'll be a year from now, except that I hope wherever I am I'm in college or at least saving up for it. Or... with Nic, or both. But yeah, I won't be seeing my friends all the time anymore. Or my teachers. Weird thing that is, I'm going to miss my teachers. Not all of them, hell no, but some of them. I know that a month or so ago I really didn't like Miss Windy, but now I do again. She's a lot nicer when you're not her student it seems. Besides that, I don't want to hold grudges anymore, I have way too often in my life for way too long. And then there's Senora Tesauro, oh how I'll miss her. She's just so much fun! At least once she started liking me again she was, and still is. Today, for the first time EVER, she called me by my real first name instead of my Spanish one. She gave me a hug and said, "Good job Katherine, I'm proud of you." That was enough to make my eyes get all teary. So was saying goodbye to my friends; and Miss Windy and Mrs. Debozy. And then when every last person who had come to see my graduate hugged and congratulated me. I used the excuse of having to go get my real diploma to get away, I don't really like people seeing me cry. Makes me feel too... vulnerable, I think. And now I feel like crying again. It's just such a big change! And my emotions have been such a whirl for the past two months that this isn't helping any.

Then Jenna came up to me, looking all pretty with her robe off and that white strapless underneath. (You know, it's amazing that I never had a crush on her, she's that damn pretty, and nice) And when she said congrats and later... I bawled almost as much as she did. Sure, she's coming to my party and I'm going to hers, but still!

Good notes are the awards and recognitions I got. Michigan Merit, Michigan Competetive Scholar, Cum Laude (with honors), and some other thing in that brown packet that I can't quite remember. Also when my name was called I had a lot of cheers and clapping, from my own personal cheering section when my name was called and my scholarships read off. I had been so afraid I was going to trip too. But I made it without falling although I think my smile got too wide when Miss Windy smiled and winked at me, mouthing 'well done Rina'.

I'm done rambling now. It's late (I went to Bob Evans with mum's family afterwards) and I'm tired. Not to mention I kind of just want to curl up in my bed and think.

newsflash, good times, friends

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