Insanity In A Camp Form

Dec 05, 2007 22:11

Jesus Camp disturbed me quite a bit. I did not find it to be scary or frightening or extremely out there. Oh no, far worse.

It was like a spotlight on what my childhood was. It made me want to throw up. They're still doing the same exact shit that they did when I was that age. I said things like the lot of them did... look at me. I'll admit that I have religion issues, and an extreme dislike verging on hatred for Evangelicals. No religion should make an eight-year-old cry and beat themselves up because they watched Hocus Pocus at Halloween; and that religion does exactly that. I know because I was there. They burn those things, those repetitions, into the brains of these children and it never leaves. They started saying the prayers to the Christian flag and the Bible and I started saying them too! Know why? Because it's there, it's burned there, and it's not going to go away. One of those things you learn that you can't unlearn.

It's called brainwashing, people. You can brainwash someone in anything in about six weeks. Now imagine how deep it goes for those kids who are brought into it at about the age of four and continues until early/late teens. It doesn't come out.

That movie pissed me off. Yes it did. And if anyone is offended because I was offended and don't believe that Evangelicals are even close to sane, then think of this. It bothers me because I lived it. I have every right to feel any way I want to about it. I have lots of good reasons I don't care to write out.

group: woven paths, religion, could your iq go any lower?, people, you did not just do that

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