Will Someone Care

Nov 30, 2007 17:02

100 Facts About Me: (because I saw jhaela doing it, and decided that it would be a good way to pass time and not study more so that my brain doesn't blow up)

1. I despise bare walls. Walk into my room, and notice that my side has very little of it. I don't care if pictures and the like are tacky - they're better than walls of nothing.

2. When I'm thinking and sitting in a chair, I will tilt it back. I have fallen only once, and that was Rachel's fault.

3. My clothing in a closet must be arranged by color, then by sleeve-length. If something isn't where I think it belongs, then I do a slight freak out.

4. When I get anxious or upset, I clean. We're talking serious cleaning here. Ask Lee and Cyndi, they got freaked out that one time when I did it. My mom loved it when I lived there - meant the house would be spontaneously sparkly when she came home.

5. I love pretty, sparkly things.

6. I think the most beautiful thing in the world is walking in the snow at night, especially on a beach, when it's like you're in a swirling snow globe. Max of one other person with you.

7. Winter - due to the snow factor - is my favorite season.

8. I bitch and moan about my job because I hate it so much, and I do, but I won't quit unless I have to because it's so damn easy.

9. My grandmother's desire for me to get married and give her grandbabies in the very near future makes me insanely uncomfortable, and also sticks in my mind for at least two weeks after she brings it up.

10. I hate pumpkin pie, pumpkin seeds, and probably pumpkin juice if anyone made it. Pumpkins are pretty to look at, but not to eat.

11. For that matter - mince meat pie is NOT pie. The only kind of meat that belongs in a pie is the meat in a pot pie, as stated by myself and Danny years ago.

12. I'd rather have my vampire teeth than normal ones, and it's always nice to tell people that "no, I didn't file them, they've always done that".

13. Amethysts, followed closely by emeralds, are my favorite gemstone.

14. I simply cannot handle death of people I love; I become a different person for awhile, and (in case of certain relatives) probably forever.

15. I believe in the healing power of gems, stones, and nature.

16. I will never go to the hospital in Cheyboygan, MI because I cannot help but blame them for my great-grandfather's death.

17. My favorite type of perfume is Sweet Grief, and I can't find it anywhere anymore. :(

18. I call my great-grandmother every week so that she knows I remember and care about her even though I went so far away.

19. I miss Jess and Jenna, but Jess more.

20. I am extremely attached to my laptop/cellphone/etc., but I've noticed that I seem to be happiest when I'm camping in the middle of nowhere with none of the above, no electricity even.

21. Green is my favorite color.

22. Pepsi Twist is my favorite drink.

23. I always have to have some sort of beverage around - even on a twenty minute car ride, I will have a bottle of water or something similar. Don't know why.

24. Lady Grey tea completely makes my day. If I have a cup of that, then I'll feel better for no known reason.

25. My first hangover was made worse when my grandmother, grandfather, aunt and uncle showed up to take me out to lunch a mere twenty minutes after I awoke in the bathroom. It was unpleasant.

26. I can make myself cry believably.

27. I don't believe in God; I believe in nature and its forces.

28. I do, however, believe that there can be truly evil and truly good things. Otherwise life would be too boring.

29. People who are intensely religious, or intensely anti-religious, make me shake my head and possibly make me angry. Depends on whether or not they bring their views on me.

30. I want to get drunk at a family gathering and have someone say that Kendra is smarter than me. Then I can blurt out that she's the one who flunked out of college, not me, and blame it on the alcohol.

31. People who do not have deep voices and talk like they do? Yeah, that bugs me way too much.

32. When I played soccer I was a defender, and I broke my teammate's shinbone when we were scrimmaging because she was not wearing her shinguards. She forgave me after she got back from the hospital.

33. I love dill pickles more than any other food on the planet and cannot resist them. Ever. Lee has just been exposed to the intensity of this love.

34. I do not think that sweet pickles, bread & butter pickles, or any sort of pickles other than dill are real. They are just lies.

35. I believe in laws/rules - I just don't believe that they are always right, nor do they need to be followed.

36. When it comes to competition, I like to win a little too much.

37. My favorite TV Show is the Golden Girls - goddess, I love those old woman so, so much.

38. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my main addictions - and I can never decide if I like Willow or Tara more.

39. Willow/Tara is my OTP now and forever. I liked Oz and all, but not with Willow. And Kennedy? Fuck Kennedy.

40. I have been to the hospital way too many times for someone my age, and I'm just counting visits for my own health issues.

41. Apparently, I fail epicly at transforming complicated Transformers toys like the old Snarl.

42. I learned how to swim in some algae-filled pond in the backwoods of Mt. Pleasant.

43. For most of my life I swam in rivers, streams and ponds that most people would not put their little toe in. Given the chance, I'll swim in those before I go into a pool.

44. When I was in eighth grade I got an actual letter from Tamora Pierce (pretty much my favorite author) herself, and it made me the happiest girl ever.

45. I am a pagan lesbian who has had three Christian/Catholic straight roommates in a row. They all move out eventually because I'm too immoral for them. Or, in case of roommate #1, because I didn't want her boytoy in the room when I was since he had, you know, kinda cornered me, screamed at me, and nearly taken out our RD. No big deal -_-

46. I get headaches, not migraines, a lot. And if medicine helps to make them go away, then I pay by being spacey and strange for the rest of the day. Meds hate me.

47. Damnit, I love country music! Born and raised on it, people, take a look at my family.

48. I am more quirky/spazzy, whatever you want to call it, than the average girl.

49. At least half of my close family, perhaps more, could qualify as rednecks. I, however, reject that title very firmly.

50. When I'm drunk, I have a Tennessee accent. Or on certain words it comes out way too well.

51. I love annoying the hell out of homophobes, or making them angry. Call me a bitch if you want, but it tickles me.

52. It genuinely bothers me when people don't dress in at least coats and shoes when it's cold, especially if there's more than a centimeter of snow.

53. I am able to handle the following emotions well when they are expressed towards me: dislike, anger, amusement, interest. Get past those and I have bits of trouble that result in attempts to
induce one of the four or a strange silence.

54. Evolution is a fact, and I believe in it a hell of a lot more than I ever did creationism. Seriously - look at the human body, if something made us... yeah. They suck.

55. I will NOT go to the Brule Run to watch a bunch of naked men run around in the freezing cold and snow. Screw that, I don't want to see naked men.

56. I would rather sleep in a cold room than a hot room; because you can always add more blankets and get really comfy. In a hot room... yeah, you're pretty much screwed.

57. Sometimes I don't want to watch a movie because it looks stupid, but when I actually do watch it, I love it.

58. My first three semesters of university included five trips to the hospital. Or was it six? I've lost count, and this is the first semester I haven't gone.

59. I have a collection of porcelain dolls - I love them and got my first one when I graduated from fourth grade.

60. It is pretty much impossible for me to take someone doing something bad/wrong to me without doing something back, if in a different way. Especially if they act smug about it. I don't really care about people who say I shouldn't, because that's how I do things.

61. I did play card games like Magic The Gathering.

62. I played Dungeons & Dragons and still would, given the chance. My character was usually an elven rogue; chaotic neutral.

63. I think that at least two of the girls who live in my house need to go get themselves checked by the psychiatrist because they're insane. Three, if you count my roommate.

64. Seriously - when my girlfriend dresses up I have a problem concentrating on anything else.

65. My great-grandma just saved my ass, and I'll never be able to express the full depth of my gratitude.

66. Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, Yeti, etc. etc. I believe in all of them, but most especially Bigfoot.

67. If I have to have a favorite Pokemon, then it's going to have to be Ninetales. It's so lovely!

68. I bought Pokemon Red for the Gameboy this semester and have played it multiple times...

69. At least one time a day, I will write something. Be it a fanfic, a bit of poetry, some little story plot, it happens.

70. My family no longer questions my dedication to writing, and if I don't have a notebook of some sort with me at a family gathering, they think I'm sick.

71. I want to have a cabin on a lake. Preferably a nice cabin on a nice lake.

72. While my entire family knows that I am a lesbian, quite a few of them just choose to not acknowledge it. I don't press the matter with my grandparents anymore, because I don't want to cause anymore fights.

73. I hate my father. Like, this is a serious hatred, not some little-girl spite.

74. In the Wheel of Time my all-time favorite character is Semirhage - possibly one of the most twisted and evil characters ever. But she's so perfect that I just can't help myself.

75. Silklantern was an awesome site, it made me a lot of friends, and the main character I had there (Jeriana Mikion Sedai, Mistress of Novices) was on the Council of Thirteen Black Ajah members. a.k.a. she was one evil little red-head. Everyone loved her and had no idea.

76. I went and saw RENT live in Milwaukee in '06. That was one of the best experiences of my life.

77. My cousins might as well be my siblings for how closely we grew up together.

78. My entire family still thinks that whenever one of us does something wrong it was my idea - because it was always my idea when we were little. Even when it wasn't my idea I still got in trouble.

79. My step-father thinks that I should be ashamed of looking at sex toys... uhhhh, yeah, because I'm totally sixteen again.

80. Joss Whedon is god; Tamora Pierce is goddess.

81. I have written over two hundred poems - or was it three hundred? Anyhow, it's a lot, and they're all in my poetry book back in my room.

82. Trips to Frankenmuth during winter break are engraved into my system and must occur every year, or else something is seriously wrong with the world.

83. As a general rule, I hate to be touched when I'm sick. Makes me feel worse most of the time, with very few exceptions.

84. Broken Hearts Club is one of my favorite movies - and I was dubbed as the lesbian couple once.

85. My nickname is Chipmunk because of how I eat, how I talk when I get excited, etc. Magnolia is another, because Sally told me that was my new middle name in first semester.

86. I think welfare is a good idea for people who deserve it, but I know quite a few people who get it who don't really deserve it. They're perfectly capable of having jobs to support themselves and could get those jobs if they tried. But they don't want to because they are 'beneath their dignity'. Yet it's not beneath their dignity to take free money by doing absolutely nothing... fuck them.

87. Blue Moon is my favorite ice cream flavor.

88. I am very rarely proud of the United States of America, especially with all I know about what we've done. But most especially with Chile and our support of Augusto Pinochet, that fucking bastard.

89. Annie on my Mind was the first "lesbian-centric" book that I read, and it's still my favorite. I have a really old beat up copy that I treasure way too much, and read at least twice a year if not more. Liz and Annie were, and still are in a way, my heroines.

90. I am getting close to being an insane hockey fan. NMU Wildcats, Detroit Red Wings and Hartford Wolf Pack (Lee's fault) are the teams I mostly follow. Well, and the Grand Rapids Griffons despite their depressing track this season.

91. If there was such a thing as a certified klutz, then I would be one without a doubt.

92. Kix is my favorite cereal. It has a flavor, damnit!

93. I "dated" Lee in the summer of '06 for like, two days, before deciding it wasn't a good idea. Now I've been dating her for (as of tomorrow) ten months!

94. I am an environmental science major with an emphasis on environmental policy now because I think I would be better able to help in ways I want to this way around. I actually think the person most excited about this decision is my grandpa. I thought everyone would be shocked, maybe upset, but nope.

95. The Sims 2 is a wonderful game, and I am addicted to it.

96. After I graduated from high school and before I came to college; I cut myself. My father almost put me in a crazy-person home before I convinced him that a counselor would be way better. They never would have found out what I was doing if not for that stupid sweater.

97. I imagine what conversations could be like before they happen - you know, playing them out ahead of time. Or after they've already happened to see if they could be improved in some way

98. Within Temptation might very well be my favorite band.

99. If I could have any video game ever - then I would want Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for the Playstation. I loved that game too much for my own good.

100. If I could get away with it - then I'd give up university to become an author for the rest of my life. And I'd be delighted to live that life of writing, writing, writing out every good idea that comes dancing across my mind.

Yes, success!!! Only took me three days to finish...

Drag Show is tonight, and that should be quite a bit of fun. Last night was a fun little adventure to Taco Bell then Wal-mart with Lee, Jorie, Leah and Monica.

On the note of NaNo - I did not win. Why? School and work mixed together, that's why not. But I still enjoyed it, and I will still try again next year. Because failing once does not mean I will fail always. Besides, I gave a good effort and hit 30K.

Also had a really fucked up nightmare last night that dealt with a demon chasing me and my roommate. It was cool and not cool at the same time, because it was one of those dreams within a dream so I thought it was really real for a bit...

freakin' sweet, & then - oh shiny!, people: lee, nightmare, friends, fill-out, list, nanowrimo, life

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