'Round Two A.M. Outside My Door

Nov 25, 2007 01:00

There is a Darth Potato head staring at me. No seriously - a Mr. Potato Head decked out in Darth Vader gear, complete with the lightsaber. It's pretty interesting and, best of all, totally free thanks to the idiots who don't know how to follow the rules of St. Vinnie's in Munising. Seriously, all they ask is that you don't leave yourself outside, and if you do then they will not take it and it becomes free pickings. My grandpa got a really neat golf set that way; and I now have a Dark Potato Head and medium-sized amethyst with a seagull on it. I also have a few things to deck my room out with for the holidays, but I bought those from the Family dollar when mom and I went "shopping" earlier. Cannot call what we did serious shopping because it's in Munising and they do not have real shopping stores.

After all that Kid got home from work and I convinced him it would be a brilliant idea to rent NHL2K7 for the XBox 360. You know, the sweet looking hockey game with really awesome graphics. It took awhile, but he agreed, and once we started playing it was really hard to stop. It looks incredibly real and is insanely fun. Granted, we did turn off penalties, but that's because we didn't want to deal with them - more fun. Plus, it meant that (when we went against the Penguins - we were naturally the Red Wings) I got to hit Sidney Crosby over and over and over and over again until he got taken off the ice with an injury ^-^ There's even allowance for fights! It even has that whole Hasek-will-sometimes-get-shaken-up-if-several-goals-are-scored feature. Not a nice one, but realistic enough. Loads of fun, and highly recommended for those hockey fans out there.

Nick: Oh... it goes in the goal with the other-color goalie, yeah?
Me: This is why I wanted to do practice first.
Nick: I'll get the hang of it!
**Ten Minutes Later**
Nick: Hell yeah! Sit down, bitch!
Me: See, you're catching on just fine.

Speaking of hockey - NMU won both of their games against LSSU this weekend!!! *beams* Our freshmen stepped up to the plate really well - Ellingson was in goal for both of the games and did a fine job; while Olver got a total of two goals, as did Hanson, and Fox stuck another one in to prove that he's made of awesome. 4-2 on Friday when it was at the BEC and 3-1 tonight when it was over in Sault St. Marie. We are no longer right at the bottom of the league!! Hopefully we'll do as well for the rest of the season as we did this weekend - playing wise.

And that cut I got over a week ago? Yeah, I thought it was better because it looked better, so I did not rebandage it. Then I went to bug mom at work (actually, keep her company for the last hour), bumped it against the door, and the top part came all apart again. So my finger is all fixed up again, in the hopes that maybe it'll still decide to heal fully.

Oh - and I'm hitting up that huge hill with mom and Keith and Kid again tomorrow before I leave. It really is a blast to come down, well worth the frozen face and long climb up. Plus I get to see Lee tomorrow - always a happy thing!!! :D :D :D

...I think I need to have less sugar in my system right now. Heh.

event: holiday, alternative transportation, family, sports, freakin' sweet, game, oops, sports: hockey, made of win, conversation

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