The Ravenwood Legacy

Aug 14, 2014 16:02

Hey guys! So you may be totally confused and that's alright! I have been really inspired by all the dramatic legacies I read and wanted to start my own for some time but was afraid I didn't have an original enough story-line or the skills to do it. But, I had a dream last night and came up with this story line for a dramatic legacy and decided, why the hell not? This is the product of such dream and I really hope it turned out as well as I feel it did.

I'm not going to waste much time explaining, the Spence legacy will continue as well, this is just going to be a little more creative writing than that. I hope you enjoy it, let's get on with it!

My name is Kennedie Ravenwood and I am an immortal - no, not a vampire or anything of the sort. We don’t hunt the innocent, not humans nor animals. In fact, we live off the land and are considered what you would call vegetarians. We live among the humans and act just as they do; we change with the times and change our appearances ever so slightly after each generation fades - a hair colour, contacts, whatever works.

Immortals are born just like humans; the difference being that we age much slower and stop after we reach adulthood. That being said, as a general rule we only have one, maybe two children at most so that our population doesn’t grow beyond control. The only way an Immortal can die is by being killed by someone or something else, or if one of the Elders stripped you of your Immortality, but that was a rare occurrence and was only done if the Immortal broke one of the rules.

The only rules as an Immortal are that we are not allowed to get attached to any human in particular for obvious reasons and not to tell any human what an Immortal is. That being said, we are nomads: we travel from town to town, city to city, country to county and we stick with a clan. That’s where I went wrong.

I belong to a clan that is considered high in rank. All the others knew and respected us. We had been around longer than most and were considered one of the Elders.  The Elders were the first Immortals who came together as one clan and established our lifestyle and rules. Nobody knows where the first Immortals came from, but there are theories saying they dropped from the heavens and were sent here to watch the mortals. Eventually, the Elders became tired of each other (as many do) and decided to separate themselves beginning new clans. There were six Elders, and conveniently three males and three females. They paired themselves off into three different clans: The Ravenwoods, the Elwoods and the Lockwoods. They began to populate the different clans and eventually those clans began to break off to form new clans, changing their names and mixing their blood from other lines.

Every so often a new Immortal seems to appear from nowhere and one of the clans takes them in. The theory behind that is a lost soul being reborn. I was one of those lost souls. I was picked up by the original Ravenwood clan. That being said, I was somewhat of an outcast among the Immortals, as are the other Immortals who are not born until we mate and break off into our own clan.

I however broke one of the only rules: I fell in love with a mortal.

Jake Wallis was a rebel. He did not care about anything or anyone until I came along. The clan had moved into a new town. We had just established ourselves in a decent home and started planting our roots when a neighbor came barreling down the street on his motorcycle without a helmet and stopped suddenly in front of the house. I had been planting some seeds when he had done so and he walked up to me without hesitation. He introduced himself and explained that he was the neighbor and that it was nice to see some new faces in a town that didn’t get much turn over.

We chatted and I fell for him instantly. He had this crooked smile, and rugged charm that made butterflies burrow into my stomach and stay there permanently.

Jake and I spent nearly every day together and my clan became suspicious. I tried to play it off as he was merely friendly and I felt bad that he lived alone (that part was true).

However, I was already breaking one of the few rules we had, and they knew it. Eventually, I became pregnant with his child and that’s how I ended up here.

"Jake, I'm afraid."
"Of what?"
"Of - of loosing you."
He chuckles, "Look at me, Kennedie. I'm not going anywhere. You're my family now, you and the baby."

The original Ravenwood took my child and banished me to new life as a mortal. The worst part was I was still not able to see or talk to Jake for fear that I tell him what an Immortal is and put their race in harm. However, this was not the first time this had happened and feeling remorseful, the Immortals assigned me a special task.

They sent me to Moonlight Falls - a town where the mythical are not only accepted but thrive and explained to me my task. Tired of living in secret, the Immortals want to be as well-known as the vampires and werewolves and asked me to see that it happens.

I am to establish myself here among the supernatural and carry my story, and my legacy for many generations to come in hopes that one day Immortals will no longer have to live by any rules. In order to do this, they did not strip me completely of my Immortality. I will still appear to be mortal (age and die) but will be carried on through the ages through an enchanted necklace. Through this necklace I will be able to live through the generations and keep an eye on my task and my family to ensure that I do not fail.

If I do succeed, my Immortality will be fully reinstated not only to me but to any remaining family. I would have my own clan and be known as the first settled Immortal. With the only other option being death, I agreed.

Alright guys, and that's the introduction! I really hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I am so in love with these characters already and I can't wait to see this generation unfold. This will be a standard legacy challenge but it will of course be manipulated quite a bit as I have the whole plot worked out in my mind.

Anyways, let me know what you all think, and depending on my inspiration this may become priority over The Spence Legacy, but neither will be stopped, I promise!

Thanks for reading guys!
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