The Spence Legacy - Generation 2

Jun 12, 2014 20:32

Uh huh, I'm back! Deal with it! :P jk. Seriously though, I'm back with a new chapter because ... because I am really enjoying writing this family right now. So, I hope you don't mind me flooding your friends page. If you do... I'm sorry. Anyways, I have nothing else to say, so on with it!

Carter's age bar is almost full, and it made me super sad, so I made Savannah spend some time with him. He is still very close to both of his children and plays a huge part in the lives of his grandchildren as well. He's pretty great, in other words.

LOL at Chloe in the background freaking the hell out.

Sav still needed more friends and I wanted to get this LTW over with ASAP! So, I sent the girls to the park for the day.

Chloe luckily brought her lockness monster toy with her to keep her occupied while her mom went and searched for some friends. She was thrilled to be there, but I question Savannah's parenting skills. Leaving a toddler by a HUGE body of water unattended is questionable, after all.

It was a very successful afternoon though. These 4 make 19/20! Yahoo! I must have missed counted somewhere down the line or didn't document all her friends, because last chapter I thought we were only at 12... woops.

Poor baby is being ignored back at home even though there are 2 very capable adults in the house! Chloe and Reed are much more ignored than Maddox was, its pretty sad actually, but ya know: such is life.

AND we have our first accident of the legacy. Took almost 2 generations for this to happen. Sigh... that's like my first accident in a LONG time even in other saves. Thanks for ruining my "good simmer spree", Savannah. Go clean yourself, ya nasty!

Remember this guy? I thought she had made friends with him already, but apparently she didn't? Anyways this picture marks the completion of Savannah's LTW! And, the very first time I ever accomplished this LTW without cheating! YAY! GO US!

Carter: I can't look. I'm floating. Why am I floating?


Carter: I don't think I can ...

Carter: Will my granddaughter even remember me?

Ugh. Don't do that Carter... you're killing me.

Grim: I am here to claim your soul! Get ready old man! Your time is officially up.

Screw you Grim. Screw. You.

This made me die a little... he really isn't ready. He JUST hit 90 days.

This made me even more heartbroken. Stupid Grim! He took my founder guys! Why!?!

Chloe: I'm starving here people! Do you want me to be next!?!

Not a good time Chloe...

I wanted him to stay close to family, so his urn stays in the house. RIP Carter Spence. I will forever miss you.

A mere hours after one life was taken, a new one was on it's way into the world. I guess life really does follow death.

The last baby of the generation is another boy. We named him Ethan. I feel bad that his birth was extremely bittersweet.

Trying to bring back the excitement now! It's time for Chloe to age into a child.

She turned out to rival her brother in the cute department. Chloe rolled inappropriate to add to genius and brave. I see it as a tribute to Carter <3. I didn't even cheat to give her one of her grandpa's traits.

Her first action as an independent child was to go and chat with the maid, who just happens to be that sim named Desiree.

However, it didn't end well. Apparently she has the no sense of humor trait and bored poor Chloe to death.

Chloe: Dad, is there a potion out there that makes people more interesting? Because the maid sure could use it.

Deandre: Not that I'm aware of Princess. But if you put your mind to it, I bet you could make one.

Chloe: How would I do that?

Deandre: Well, you'd have to get real good at logic.

Chloe: How do I do that?

Deandre: Easy. You play chess!

Chloe: Will you play chess with me now, Daddy?

He's exhausted, but apparently he does whatever his little girl asks. Now that's true love right there.

Why do my toddlers always look so demonic!?! GAH! KILL IT!

Chloe: What's wrong Maddy?

Maddox: Nothing.

Chloe: Don't lie. Just tell me. Is it cause Grandpa croaked?

Maddox: Wow. You really are inappropriate aren't you ...

Chloe: It's okay, Maddox. Just think, he'll always be close by! I mean, his urn is right in the house! Plus, I heard that ghosts of dead relatives sometimes come out at night to play the computer and haunt random objects in the house. So, he's not really gone.

Maddox: Thanks, Chloe.

Almost the whole family.

Apparently both Chloe and Maddox enjoy fried chicken. But, then again... who doesn't?

Chloe spam <3

Savannah got invited to a party (I can't remember who's) so I sent everyone but the younger boys to get them out of the house. This picture is purely just to show how fricken adorable these children are though <3 They're both in stripes! I LOVE it.

Chloe: Look Maddox, it's Sheldon Cooper!

Maddox: W-where!? He's my hero!

Chloe: *snicker*

Deandre: Hey good looking, what's a girl like you doing at a place like this?

Savannah: Really, Deandre? Do you even know how cheesy that is?

Deandre: It worked didn't it? Got you to smile.

Really, guys!? At a party!? With a GIGANTIC exposed window behind you!?

Savannah: YOLO!

You did not just say that. *eye roll* No baby jingles this time! Or ever for this generation.

They got kicked out of the party for behaving inappropriately. Gee, I wonder what that could mean!? So after hanging outside of the house for a while, I finally sent them home to take care of the younger boys. Reed learned all of his skills at this point.

The next day, there was a ridiculous amount of birthday cakes bought! Yep, four birthdays coming right up!

First up was the youngest of the family, Ethan.

OMG! He got EVERYTHING from Carter! It's seriously like Carter was reborn into him. Squeee!!!

Ethan is insane and clumsy. Lol, he's going to be fun! He also enjoys the colour lilac, kids music, and dim sum. He is a Sagittarius.

He was immediately stalked because he seriously looks SO much like Carter, and it made me so happy! Only kid to inherit the red hair too! <3

Savannah was pretty enthralled with him too. Carter would have been so proud to see this little one...

Okay, back to the birthdays. Next was, unfortunately, Savannah. Say goodbye to that beautiful, wrinkle-free face of yours!

And hello to a MUCH more mature one. She looks so much like a worn-down mother of four. It makes me sad.

Now for another exciting one: Maddox! Are you ready for this guys!? Trust me, you gotta be SUPER excited for this! REady!?! You sure?! Okay...scroll down.

Yeah... he's gorgeous. He actually is probably the most attractive male sim I've every had born in game. He's perfect. He rolled never nude to go with his other traits. He also rolled the LTW to become a world renowned surgeon just like his grandpa.

Last, but not least was Deandre.

He looks exactly the same. My male sims always age way better than the females. Not exactly sure why!

Guyz... seriously... he's perfect. My heart hurts.

Maddox: Ladies ;)

*swoons and then dies*

Good luck boys! I think your brother just kicked both your butts in the looks department. Enjoy your adorable selves before you get your butt whooped in the heir vote. Am I right? Or am I right?

And, once again that's where I leave you guys. This chapter was on the shorter side, but it was fairly eventful, and I ran out of pictures which makes me caught up with my game so I can play again!

Thanks, as always, for reading and your future comments! I appreciate all your feedback, and can't wait to see what you guys have to say about our dear little Maddox! Personally, I think the only one who might be able to compete with his looks (besides Reed because he's pretty much a clone of Maddox) is Chloe. But we'll see because I haven't even played that far, yet.

See you next time guys!

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