mod post

Apr 25, 2004 01:33

ok y'all, heres a list of accepted/rejected members.
if everyone could reply to this with a
'yes i read it and im still active'
and a 100 x 100 picture ill love you forever.

Your MODs

_undress_you / vega_star who's so cool, she didnt need an application
fyiagcg application


candleinthelite application
pinklipglossxo was blackxxeyeliner application
juliacoolia07 application
n3tw0rk application
dork_core application
madeofplastiq application
_ungod application
ch0c0latechip application
xxjustforgetme application
distortedhate application
fakefrenchishot application
_lucy_ application
adamgotshot application
shatteredxwings application
punkpyroprncess application
dclorean_dsv application
neuroticmtndew application
shees_s0unusual application

and then there was pirahnaprincess application, who was the head mod, but turned out to be a fraud.
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