Jan 08, 2010 07:28
I'm not sure of the exact timeframe, but say in the past 6 weeks I have had the following three dreams, the last one being the dream I had last night:
1. F has died. I am distraught. And in the same dream, a dear friend of mine has also died. By now, I don't remember any other details.
2. F and I are driving in the car. He is really quiet in a bad way. I keep asking him to tell me what is going on, what is wrong etc. Finally he says something like, "we can still be friends" implying that he is breaking up with me. I am shocked and horrified. I start screaming (angrily) and literally wailing on him while he is driving the car, how dare he break up with me. (I told F about this one and he said "OMG! That's terrible! But also kind of hilarious that you were beating the crap out of me, too!")
3. In last night's dream we are at home, except home looks like my parents house in Indiana, but we are still in Virginia. F starts packing up a bad and tells me that he is going to spend some time at this apartment near his job. I don't get any explanation, and he just leaves. I am like WTF??? I'm all alone in the house and I don't know what to do. I want to call one of my friends to come over, but I don't want to tell them/admit what just happened. Then some people show up at the door who say they knew my mom, worked with her at the school. It must be early spring because it is cold but rainy and muddy out. I stand on the porch talking to them for awhile, and there is this guy who is standing next to me who puts his hand on my hip. And I'm like "back the F*#& up; I'm married". They all want to come in the house for awhile, but I don't know them and they're wet and muddy and I say, "Um, sorry, we just got new carpet (not a lie)". That's about all I remember.
I've never had dreams like this, not that I can remember, and if I did they were very early on in our relationship, and it would have been isolated, not one in a series. Our relationship is fine, so this has to be about something else. I open to any and all dream interpretation ideas.