Another Essay - if anyone's in the mood and has the time to help

Feb 13, 2013 22:15

I'm only posting for help because I feel comfortable turning over my writing to any one of you. Otherwise, usually, my writing is only ever seen by me and my professor. This is going to be my go-to place to ask for your help, because I'm too chicken to ask anyone else.

So, this time around, the deadline is a whole week away! Woohoo! The topic is fear and my essay is 1,835 words long. I'm sure it needs some SPaG help, but I could really use help with focusing the paper. We were originally told to write about 5 of our fears, and now we have to focus it down to one main fear. My list includes heights, the unknown, failure, regret and being alone. I'm thinking of combining heights failure and regret for my essay, with heights being the carrying force. That'll make more sense if you read the whole essay.

If any of that sounded remotely interesting, or if you're bored and want to Greek with me, leave a comment or shoot me a message.

I'm very happy for those of you who are healthy and well. Very proud of those who are moving on and through some tough times. Even if it isn't the best situation yet, you're making progress. My thoughts and prayers with those of you going through a rough patch. I'm here for anyone, whether you want somebody to squee with you or need a sympathetic ear, or comfy shoulder.

On a mini-life update, I've been sick. Still not 100%, but nearly there. Being sick is shitty. Nearly fainting is shittier. Can't wait to be operational again. Oh and I joined a MOOC - massive open online course - called Learning Creative Learning. I missed the intro session courtesy shitty health, but I should make it next week. I'll update if anyone's interested.

writing, help, update

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