A ramble, a drabble, and a prompt

Mar 03, 2009 18:00

I find myself completely entrenched in the world of science lately. And considering I'm in medical school, that is a good thing. Unfortunately it's also been a rather bad thing for me in terms of my creative abilities and general energy. I feel the serious nature of my courses, the dense material of my studies and the entirely mundane routine of my life often leave me rather mentally and emotionally drained. And there is absolutely no outlet to explore and nurture these facets of my self on this foresaken island.

In an effort to keep myself entertained and occupied with those things that  don't reek of geekiness, I have been making signatures and icons. It's quite the fun hobby, but limiting in terms of expression. Now that I've gotten a handle on my own style in this field I find myself in a bit of a rut sometimes and get thoroughly frustrated.

Of course I always have writing. But that's just the thing. I haven't written anything outside of article summaries and class notes in months. Actually, if I'm to be honest, I haven't really delved into proper "creative writing" in years. My reading material has been restricted to science articles, textbooks and some wonderful works of fanfiction. I doubt my ability to write. Writing, like language, gets rusty if not practiced regularly. And I'm woefully out of practice. I'm afraid to pick up the pen, or in this case, hit the keyboard again. Long ago, I had wanted to write a proper piece of fanfiction, however time always seemed to elude me. And I've always been very hesitant about publishing my own work, at least  not without having been carefully picked through by someone else. That's the other thing; I've never known who to reach out to for beta-ing help.

Today though, I've come to the point where I simply must overcome my self-imposed inhibitions and just get to it. So, here is a mini-drabble. Feedback from any and all who read this would be most appreciated.

She woke with a familiar feeling of dread in her heart. Turning to her side, Hermione smoothed the wrinkles his head had left on the pillow. She turned on her stomach, burying her face into the still warm pillow, inhaling his scent and committing it to memory once again. It had been like this for the past six months. Severus always left before the first rays of sunrise would start climbing out from behind the surface of the lake.

Prompt: You're packing your bag for that other desert island-the one with no electricity-what 5 books do you take with you?

Funny... I'm already on the island. But if I were to choose five books (Just five!?), I would choose: Eight Cousins, by Louisa May Alacott, The Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, A Little Princess, by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and The Namesake, by Jhumpa Lahiri.
But of course, there are so many more!

writing, books, ss/hg, drabble, prompt

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