A Healthy Dose of Random

Nov 21, 2005 08:00

It's been quite some time since I've heard from "Anonymous." I'm of two minds over this. I'm not sure whether I should be grateful that I no longer have the displeasure of reading the rather insipid and rude comments left, or to regret that I no longer have a forum where I can justifiably and shamelessly be sarcastically witty.

Well onto bigger and better things...I shall be returning home for the Holidays. I quite look forward to that. There will be three parties at least. While only one of them is a guaranteed source of joy, all the parties will be a nice diversion. Actually, it seems to be party season. The upcoming month holds promises of a party per week at least. I know there is a party the following Friday - December 2 - which shall, once again, be rather fun. Lopa Aunty (the desiness ensues) shall be baking me a cake for my birthday. Though I'm turning 18 and should probably feel disdain over this childish display...I'm overjoyed. I can be such a kid, and when it comes to cake and celebrating ... *shrug* I love birthdays, but I've talked/written about this before, and don't feel like going over it again.

...What was supposed to be a quick update is quickly encroaching on my nap time. I didn't sleep very well last night, and I have much to do today. A half an hour nap before the day really begins seems appropriate. Toodles! Ciao! Adios! et Au Revoir! I shall update later with information about my happiness over finding my friends from Chicago on facebook, etc. :)

anon, party, friends

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