Late night crossings...

Nov 10, 2005 02:35

Hanging with the brownies is amazingly fun! I love my desi dancing girls. We laughed so much!!! rrrriiippppp!!!!!!!!!!'s all your fault!!! But nice design anyway ;) Bincy-baby...nice dresses :D, now we just need to find you a dulha. Urmi with her randomness, the chocolate bunny, Tanya cracking up every two minutes, the chips and salsa, lunch Simi...Simi you remind me of my mom (why am I poking fun at myself, on my own blog???), Visala and Elsa coming back covered in ... water? (*sniff, sniff* ... you smell! Aaah!!!) - so much fun!!! I don't think I will ever be able to look at purple in the same way again. I will always remember the purple pants.

Getting back wasn't quite as much fun. The walk clear across campus at 1:30a.m. just isn't quite as alluring as it may sound. I was definitely scared! I had my cell phone prepped in my hand, I tried to stay as close to sources of light as I could, and I tried going from one blue light to the next. It was still freaky. There are so many tall, dark and sinister looking males out at night ... I wanted to run! Then I got to the stairs by the campus center and the school store. There was a guy at the top just standing there, hanging about. He walked over to the edge and made the most obviously fake coughing sounds. A guy at the end of the stairs was facing towards the building (away from the stairs) but I saw him move at this "signal." At that point I was a little nervous. I started walking down, my phone out and pretty much flipped open. The guy at the bottom started walking up (fast!) and I stayed way over on the other side. Then all of a sudden a third guy came out from under the stairs and started walking on my side, and the first guy (the one who had "coughed") started coming down the stairs really fast right behind me. My heart definitely speeded up and I most definitely got quite a bit scared. This was a "dead-Simi" or "lunch-Simi" moment and I didn't know what to do. Fortunately, they just intimidated me, didn't try to talk or anything. But, as I was walking on the small set of three stairs, towards the tower, I heard the first guy ask "Did I scare her?" ... Buddy, you did a brilliant job of frightening me half to death! My trek through the trees from that point was nerve wracking. I kept glancing back over my shoulders and once again had my phone flipped half-open. At the tower, I saw a guy walking fast towards me. He came in right behind me as I opened the door into the tower and got into the elevator. I was scared for a bit, but then he got off. Gah! I hate crossing campus alone at night! It is so scary!!!

It's close to 3 and I really need to get to sleep. I have to wake up in three hours to do the prelab for Chem lab, then go to Chem lab. It's gonna be a trying day. There is a long list of things I have to do tomorrow, I mean today: clean the room, study for the chem test, sew my pants for the dance, figure out my schedule, do the UNICEF thing, email Neilia Campbell ... so much! I also have to buy Cait a present, silver dangly earings for the dance and perhaps a new shirt...or two?...or some more stuff? time permitting of course. I'll be bumming a ride off of Elsa. Did I mention I love my new desi friends? 'Cauz I do :D They take me for who I am and understand me in a different's really cool. I feel completely comfortable and happy with them. I wish we all didn't live so far away :(

desi, creeps, scare, friends

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