May 30, 2004 00:12
Lindsay invited me to a party tonight. By the time I arrived she had already left. I met a guy outside who gave me a cd of his band for telling him some jokes. No, really.
I then stopped by the Press - sometimes you can just feel a fight about to erupt - so I left. Not, however, before learning of the after party.
So, here I am. Just killing an hour before I go back to meet up with the after-hours crew for some late night debauchery. I overheard someone say that it was going to be a 'pool party' - as such, I’m assuming that people are going to get naked - I’m definitely staying sober tonight.
I had a dream last night that I was on the out skirts of an AA meeting at a hotel. I was really thirsty and they were serving juice - as if to tempt me to join in their festivities. I’m going to try and not read too much into that. Funnier still, when I awoke this morning I was on the couch (?) with a lingering feeling of embarrassment. Yeah, it's summer time again.