Feb 28, 2009 14:56
Now that I have a minute to sit down, I'll get to this. We've been running around all day doing things that need to be done, including trying to deal with a more precocious than usual (yes, it's possible. Color me surprised) Markez. The boy is just insisting on getting into trouble, and has very selective hearing today. No matter how many times we call him or tell him to do something, he just can't seem to hear it. I hope this is just a unique occurrence and doesn't go on past today. It's times like this that locking him in a closet is tempting. Unfortunately, soundproof closets are hard to come by. Amber's actually considering calling Topaz to see if she can scare a little sense into the kid. Markez tends to listen to her more often than not. Mikel would be ideal since he's got the right touch with Markez, but that's not going to work right now.
Rafiq, on the other hand, has been rather quiet today. I'm guessing this has something to do with the dream he told me he had the other night. He's trying so hard not to let it affect him, but it's not easy. I know this from way too much experience. I hope he gets past this hurdle soon. I hate to see him like this.
As for Garnet, she's much the same as usual, so that's at least reassuring. She's been practicing her mom skills, however. She's been scolding Markez left and right, anytime she sees him. It's funny and cute as hell. She even shakes her finger at him and purses her lips in the cute way her mother does when she's been pushed to the brink. It at least gives us something to laugh at, which is quite welcome today.
I'm almost done with my latest project at work, or at least the first draft. I'm sure there will be things that need to be changed, but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully it won't need to much adjusting, but I can manage if it does. As soon as it's set, I can get another project to work on.
All right, I'm going to go see what's up now. I sequestered myself in the bedroom to type this, and I should brave stepping out there to test the waters. Wish me luck.