Feb 22, 2015 02:32

There’s this memory… I’m sure that it is a memory. To me, it is.

It’s animated… kind of. It’s mostly still. I think the feelings and emotions are more animated than the visual.

It’s my life. Me. My family. I can not tell how many are there- but there’s more than just me. I don’t know if they are present at the moment of the memory… I think at least one is… but I know I live with more than myself.

There’s a house… it might be a duplex, not a multiplex… and not an apartment.

It’s summer time. Really summer. So warm. So nice.

It’s so comforting. It’s so real.

The house is close to a sidewalk. There’s a small yard… enough for a child to spend time in and kind of play but nothing to run a ruck in. … … I just said ruck. Lol.

Typing, I just realized there is a child in my life. At least one. Because, the child does play outside. She loves it. She is a she. I’m not sure if ther eis more. She doesn’t play alone.

I’m outside… I’m hot…sweating a bit but not feeling like I want to die. A little water on my face would be great thought.

I’m happy. The people in my life are happy. The people around me are happy.

Kids play. Neighbors are friends. No one is perfect but people are friends.

The feeling… it’s so warm. The sun is warm but not just the sun. My life is warm. Calm, comfortable, but not boring. My child is happy. My person is happy. I’m not single… I don’t think I’m single. Actually, I think there’s more than 3 people living in the home.

The home is mostly clean, a good size- not too small but not too bit.

The sun… it feels so nice. It is so nice.

I have a two story home. I think I rent, but I’m not totally sure. There’s a semi busy street- nothing to worry about the kids getting hit by a car but not quiet… and should be paid attention to. Other homes are close… within a couple of feet. There’s other children who live here. There’s more moms. Different ethnics.

I think I’m friends with a black woman… really good friends.

There’s a park close. I can’t tell how close. The back yard is a good side… it’s fenced it or feels fenced in.

I see water hosees or sprinklers for the kids. I see moms sitting on steps. I see comfort but not perfection.

I see, I feel, content feelings.
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