Jul 29, 2002 01:04
word. i'm back. yea yea. its been a long day. i've spent the day staring at html, javascript, and php coding. wow. i have such a headache from that shit. but its gonna be all worth it because the site will rock your socks.
all this has been complicated by shit talking. why yes. lets have a little poll. who would be offended if i called 'your mr (or mrs.) punk rawk'. oh yes. thats right. no one. oh wait. correction. one person. i'm not sure what part i find most amusing: the fact that someone could get pissed over something so ridiculous, or the fact that i care that people talk shit about me. or how about the fact that you can act all nice asking for help, yet you can manage to dislike me so. or how you blame mike for saying that i talk shit about you? hah. so yes. that stupid comment triggered something, at this point, i still have no idea what happend. but here's a tip for ya. you want to talk shit? do it to my face. dont say it to my friend and then not expect her to tell me. and yes. i know the answers to all your questions. whether you get the answers or not, well yea. that depends. have a nice day. goodnight.
-- the only broken hearted loser --