Jul 21, 2002 13:05
yea yea, i'm back. blah. i'm pretty bored. last night, i chilled with kevin and kaet. hadnt seen them in a while, so that was nice. went to kaet's house. and i saw beth! haha. that girl is so cool lol. even tho i havent seen or talked to her in months. i heart that girl so much. well, not really since she's only like 14 or some shit lol. so that was the highlight of my week. so kevin came over and brought us his pictures from his trip to france. we went to wegmens. since he had no fucking clue where he was going, it took us like 40 minutes.
quick side note. for those of you that didnt know. wegmans is the greatest store of all time. picture a gourmet food store + barnes & noble + starbucks + chinese takeout + french delicacy place + yea... that place has just about everything.
we chilled there for a while. me and kaet bought a jar of applesauce b/c we're cool like that. we also stole some soup spoons b/c we're rebels. go us. kevin wasnt into the applesauce thing. he's too good that. so then we headed over to best buy so i could buy a webcam. go me. webcams are cool. we left there at like 9:30ish and wanted to go to applebees. but half price after ten doesnt start for another half and hour so we went back to wegmans. we started the new wegmans scene b/c we rawk out. so we go to get some candy to eat and read some magazine and we see 2 peopel and say "these 2 guys have got it right" and one turns around and lo and behold: mr punk rawk himself, good ol js. now dont get me wrong. i have no problem with the kid. in fact, i think he's a really cool guy. but kaet and him have some long grudge which most of you know about anyway. and of course, kevin wants no part of this. so we walk away to avoid confrontation and then walk back b/c kaet wants revenge. they left. whew. that wouldve been ugly. so went to applebees. and saw them again. ha. what a joke. oh well. whatever shit. by the way, kevin knows more about the female orgasm than kaet does. how scary is that. thumbs up for kevin for knowing every possible detail about that. kevin is my hero. he just wins. then he drove me home. props to him for driving all the way down to my house to drop me off.
i got home and hooked up my webcam b/c i'm lame like that. hah. i couldnt get it to work at first. then when i got it to work, everything was magnified orange. haha. so i went in the ap.net chatroom and chilled there for a little bit. talking to other people with webcams are a billion times more fun than just normal instant messenger chat. so yea. if you have yahoo messenger. hit me up at failurebydesign4. go me.
i'm hungry. mac and cheese is calling my name. later kids.
-- the only broken hearted loser you'll ever need --