Dear Mom and Dad

Dec 15, 2005 15:14

I'm so broke, it ain't funny.

And boy is that true.

Love, your baby girl.

Hmmm... yeah anyway,
It's been a long time. And I basically don't have anything to say seeing as MY WHOLE LIFE is consisting of school work, school work, and... hmm... more school work. It's just great.

Choice: Have fun or get good grades.
              Boyfriend or good grades.
              Parties or good grades.
              Tons of friends or good grades.

Real Choice: College or living with my dad forever.
                       Working at Mcdonalds or traveling the world doing the job I want.

Yeah... no competition when you put it that way.

I chose, and still am choosing, the grades.
Sometimes it just sucks a little though. But whatever... the prospect of going to the same school as Vanessa and Jake and seeing them everyday is keeping me honest. Pluse I really don't wanna live at home for longer than I have to.

I'm pretty much ready to be out of High School. The boys are boring... the friends are boring (excluding a few), a lot of people look amazingly simple and immature. Basically life just doesn't have the same zest it used to. I'm ready for bigger and better things. The dramas that I used to let rule my world now look tiny and insignificant. That's when you know you're ready to move on. Unfortunatlly I have a ways to go. Not TOO long, but about a year and a half left.

Oh well... I'll just take things as they come.
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